
Welcome to the Linden Public Schools Nurses’ Page.  This page has been designed as a tool to enhance communication by providing parents and families of our school community with relevant information regarding health topics.  The page also contains links to Linden Public Schools district forms and outside resources that may be of assistance to you.

Any question please contact Nurse Colleen Demartinis  at:



908-486-7751 extension 8711

A Message from Nurse 

Hard to believe we are already into the second quarter of the school year! Cold and flu season is upon us. Here are a few tips to help keep the whole family and school community healthy.

  • Wash hands with soap and water often, especially before meals
  • Keep your hands away from your face
  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow
  • Get proper sleep. Middle school students need 9-11 hours of sleep per night
  • Eat healthy foods and drink lots of water
  • Consider getting a flu vaccination. It is the best protection against the flu, a potentially serious illness. Remember it takes two weeks after the vaccination is given to be effective.
  • Stay home if you are sick. Be sure you have a working thermometer at home and use it to check for fever if you or your child is not feeling well. Headache is often a sign of fever. A temperature of 100 degrees and above indicates fever and the need to stay home. Frequent cough that interferes with the ability to function well in school is also an indication to stay home. See the doctor when needed.


For Children with Asthma

  • Children need access to an albuterol inhaler in school for asthma symptoms during the day and during after school activities.
  • Authorization to Administer Medication form and an Asthma Treatment Plan must be completed by the doctor and parent/guardian and be on file with the School Nurse.
  • Forms are available on the McManus website and in Nurse Radil’s office.
  • If the doctor has prescribed a daily controller inhaler for your child, please make sure your child is using it. Failure to do so may result in return of frequent asthma symptoms and possible loss of school time.


Please feel free to call or email me with any questions pertaining to your child’s health and medical needs. I can be reached at 908-486-7751 ext. 8711 and



Helpful Health Information

Prevention and Management of Bed Bugs Guidelines (1.9 MiB)
